You are not alone on the path. Jesus knew you would need help and sent the Holy Spirit to help you. The Holy Spirit is God living within you, your helper.

The Holy Spirit will lead and comfort you, a constant companion and friend walking with you every step of the way.

The Holy Spirit desires to strengthen and fill you with God’s love daily, moment by moment, from the inside out.




16 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

17 For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.

18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.

2 PETER 1:3-4, NIV

3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.


You are made to be the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, so that His power, love and goodness can live through you.

You need His power living in you.

Wear a band on your wrist or write on the back of your hand and whenever you see it let it remind you that your helper, the Holy Spirit, is present and working. Each time you remember, thank God for giving you the Holy Spirit.


“Lord Jesus, I love You and I need You. Help me to realize my need this week and rely on the Holy Spirit to help me and to guide me. (John 14:26), You are amazing!”

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